Secrets of Right Brain Activation for children, students and parents - We help to bring out the Genius in your child

     About Us










Senior Trainer

Energy Healer



Dr. Anke Weber-Smit is an internationally recognized expert, seminar leader, author, speaker, and healer.

- Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Oldenburg (Germany).

- Earned a Master of Science (MSc) in Oceanography from the University of Southampton (UK).

v  Received a PhD in Aquatic Biology from the University of Utrecht (Netherlands).

each child is a unique individual with enormous potential to be developed.


Business No.9429045889417

Date of Incorporation :22 Dec 2016

We firmly believe each child is a unique individual with enormous potential to be developed. It is our mission to foster and nurture the young's multiple intellectual developments enabling them to harness the extraordinary powers of the right brain to produce wonderful results.

Not only will this amazing power aid in the pursuit of academic excellence, it is the power that will make your child "Standout from the Crowd".

We are an education centre offering professional Whole Brain Development courses aspiring to uncover the latent potential of our younger generation, with the firm belief that proper right brain training will be immensely beneficial for children in unleashing that wondrous creativity within them, thus further complementing the country's commendable education system.

Based on extensive researches and years of training experience carried out in Japan, our comprehensive training program is designed to empower its students (4 -16 yrs old) with the tools that will increase their memory and the key that will unlock their creativity!

We believe Mankind is on the verge of an evolutionary leap in consciousness, to a whole new way of thinking and being that will put us as far above our present concept of "man" as modern man is above our stone age ancestors.

Until roughly the present time, the forces of evolution have been external to mankind. Whether we think of these forces as essentially physical/biological, or essentially spiritual, in either case we have not consciously directed the course of our own evolution. This is simply where the journey has brought us.

We have grown in knowledge and power beyond the wildest dreams of our ancestors, but our wisdom has not kept pace. In fact, it might be argued that human wisdom has taken giant steps backward since the astrological, shamanistic and mystical traditions that flowered thousands of years ago!



To become a Leader in the Development of Human Potential and an Ultimate Resources Centre that provides Innovative Technologies that lead to Global Enhancement

Contribute to human capital development by providing quality education.

Provide leadership & contribution through research & innovation. Achieve desirable image & branding that fulfils the requirement of stakeholders. Contribute to society through community engagement and outreach.

Our Goals

1:   To set up  Resource Centers that will provide up to date information on children’s education and adult self development.

Goal 2: To help children enter the Implementation Zone" (area of practical skills) and the "Incredible Genius Zone and develop the associated skills.

We strive to deliver high quality well researched products.

Make learning fun for all our students.

Create and maintain trust and long standing relationships with all our partners.

We delight our partners by constantly looking ahead to improve processes and deliver them professionally. Create a flexible and dynamic learning environment for our clients. Display integrity and transparency in all our processes and policies. Our value system revolves around truth, transparency & commitment. Whatever we think, we say & whatever we say, we do. We present to you what we actually are

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                                      Have you seen our new book : introduction to non ocular vision Activation?   
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