Secrets of Right Brain Development for children, students and parents - We help to bring out the Genius in your child


Every child is born a genius, but is swiftly degeniused by unwitting humans and/or physically un-favorable environ-mental    factors."

R .Buckminster Fuller

"Every child is a genius.. Unfortunately, there are strong forces working at home, n the schools, and within the broader culture,  to stifle these genius qualities in children."

Thomas Armstrong. Ph.D

 Would you like to help our children to develop these genius qualities?

The EOV  Program assists children to heal traumas and release limiting beliefs, increase confidence and self esteem, expand their minds, reach educational and personal potential and develop their natural gifts, self-respect, respect for others and other universal human values.

The Programme expands the children’s consciousness and raises their vibration, improves memory and concentration and increases attention span, strengthens their resilience, awakens and/or improves their intuition, awakens skills they didn’t know they had and activates their ability to see, read and play without their physical eyes.

At the start of this Programme the children begin to radiate their energy and as they progress and complete all the sessions, their amazing energy then radiates through their family and community and in turn has a powerful and positive effect on Planet Earth.

This work has been very successful in  Mexico, USA and other countries around the world, with outstanding results.

It’s now time to empower more children around the world, to reinforce the energy and raise awareness.

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                                      Have you seen our new book : introduction to non ocular vision Activation?   
click here for a sneak preview